FTC Staff Opinion: Rx Program Operated for the Benefit of Non-Profit Schools, Colleges, and Universities Appears to Fall within the NPIA Exemption to Robinson-Patman

In a letter issued today, the staff of the Federal Trade Commission advised Quest Analytics Group that its proposal to operate a GPO-based prescription drug program for the benefit of a group of non-profit schools, colleges, and universities would fall within the Non-Profit Institutions Act (NPIA). The NPIA provides an exemption for certain non-profit entities […]

FTC Approves Final Order Settling Charges that Johnson & Johnson’s Proposed Acquisition of Synthes, Inc. was Anticompetitive in Market for Treating Traumatic Wrist Injuries

Following a public comment period, the Federal Trade Commission has approved a final order settling charges that Johnson & Johnson’s proposed acquisition of Synthes, Inc. would have been anticompetitive in the market for surgical systems used to treat traumatic distal radius wrist fractures. The final FTC order resolving the charges requires Johnson & Johnson to […]

FTC Approves Amended Final Order Settling Charges that Teva’s Proposed Acquisition of Cephalon was Anticompetitive in Markets for Several Generic Drugs

Following a public comment period, the Federal Trade Commission has approved an amended final order settling charges that Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd.’s proposed acquisition of rival Cephalon, Inc. would have been anticompetitive in the markets for several current and future generic drugs. The final amended FTC order resolving the charges requires Teva to sell the […]

FTC Issues Modified Final Order Settling Charges that Perrigo’s Acquisition of Paddock Laboratories Was Anticompetitive in Market for Generic Pharmaceuticals

Following a public comment period, the Federal Trade Commission has issued a modified final order settling charges that Perrigo Company’s $540 million acquisition of Paddock Laboratories, Inc., as proposed, was anticompetitive and would have reduced the number of manufacturers for four products used to treat conditions such as skin disorders, allergic reactions, and nausea. The […]

FTC Puts Conditions on Johnson & Johnson’s Proposed Acquisition of Synthes, Inc.

The Federal Trade Commission will require Johnson & Johnson (J&J) to sell its system for surgically treating serious wrist fractures, resolving charges that J&J’s proposed $21.3 billion acquisition of Synthes, Inc. would illegally reduce competition for these systems. J&J intends to sell its system, known as DVR, along with the rest of its product line […]

FTC Files Amicus Brief in U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in K-Dur Antitrust Litigation Urging Reversal of Pay-for-Delay Ruling

The Federal Trade Commission filed an amicus brief before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in support of private class action plaintiffs who have challenged the legality of patent settlements between branded and generic manufacturers of the high blood pressure medication K-Dur 20. The FTC’s brief urges the Third Circuit to reverse […]

FTC Staff Finds Sanofi-Aventis, Watson Pharmaceuticals, and Synthon Holding B.V. Failed to Report Drug Patent Agreements as Required by Law

The Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Competition has notified Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC, Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Synthon Holding B.V., that it believes the companies violated federal law by failing to inform antitrust authorities about drug patent agreements involving Sanofi’s insomnia drug Ambien CR. However, the FTC staff told the companies that it decided not to […]

FTC Settlement Order Bars Texas Doctors’ Group from Joint Price Negotiations

An association representing 900 physicians in the Amarillo, Texas, area has agreed to a Federal Trade Commission order barring it from jointly negotiating the prices it charges insurance providers. The FTC alleged in a complaint filed with the order that the association, Southwest Health Alliances, Inc., d/b/a BSA Provider Network, has violated federal law since […]

FTC Staff Report Finds 60 Percent Increase in Pharmaceutical Industry Deals That Delay Consumers’ Access to Lower-Cost Generic Drugs

Pharmaceutical companies struck an unprecedented number of deals in Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 in which the manufacturers of branded products paid potential generic rivals and generic companies agreed to defer the introduction of lower-cost medicines for American consumers, according to an overview of industry data released by the staff of the Federal Trade Commission. The […]

FTC Dismisses Complaint in LabCorp

By a vote of 5-0, the Federal Trade Commission has issued an order dismissing its complaint in Laboratory Corporation of America’s acquisition of Westcliff Medical Laboratories, Inc., and closing the Commission’s investigation of the matter. A statement by Commissioners Jon Leibowitz, William Kovacic, and Edith Ramirez concluded, “While we continue to have reason to believe […]